I was given the option to have a 'FREE PREVIEW' of this new book. I loved it so much and could not put it down, so I ran to the library as soon as I finished my preview, so I could finish the story. So worth it.
Kailyn meets her star crush at college on the way to class. She ends up competing with him in law school. Then they meet later on and he does not recognize her.
Daxton AKA "Dax" is shocked to meet such a fan at a college campus. He has been trying to stay under the radar. She is pretty and funny - so he lets it go. Then tragedy strikes - and now he needs her help.
Such an inspiring yet sexy story. Rare to put those together in a sentence. Both of these characters has development to show growth. Both of them shared the attraction. It was a fun read. I give it a 3/5 Kitty's Paws UP!
***Thanks to Netgalley, and the publisher for the free preview.