Ask Me Anything - Molly E. Lee

Amber goes to a high school where sex ed is treated almost as a joke.  She has friends who sincerely want answers to their questions.  She also has a mom who writes romance fiction and is not afraid to answer such questions.


Dean is a new friend that just happens to be hot.  The fact the he is attracted to Amber is both a plus and a minus.  She has sworn off dating right now, after the last creep she went out with.  How can he convince her to be more?


This was such an interesting story.  Right from the beginning, I was sucked in by the humor and compelling issues that surround the main characters and sets the tone.  I loved the pace going nice and fast.  I loved the fact that the nerds here are good looking and felt this story was quote original.  I give this a 4/5 Kitty's Paws UP!


***This ARC copy was given by Netgalley and its publisher in exchange for an honest review.