Her father’s phone clattered to the floor as Zoe Logan halted in the doorway. The two men in the room stopped and froze. Gavin turned, his shirt half untucked, and his usually well-put together curls mussed from finger raking. The jeans he wore were faded and worn, but nothing could hide the bulge in the front of them. Misha, Gavin’s roommate, wasn’t in much better shape, his lips pink and kiss-swollen. He leaned against the wall, like if he tried to move away from it, he’d fall over. Her hands shook, and she clenched them tightly, as if she could stop it.
Dazed, Misha’s voice was barely there. “Zoe…”
She waved her hands in front of her, like it would wipe the scene away. “I… uh…” She tried to look everywhere but at the pair before her. All she wanted was to run out and hide, but her feet were rooted to the spot. Her cheeks heated, having interrupted what seemed to be a really private moment. Her chest ached with the stabbing heat of embarrassment. Breathing was suddenly almost impossible. She’d almost thought Misha could have liked her after she found out Gavin didn’t like girls, but no. She should have known better.
A long moment of awkwardness passed before she realized that she was blocking the only exit to the room. She stumbled backward, lifting her eyes so she could see them both, though her gaze fell on Gavin immediately. More pain and more stabbing in her chest forced her away from them faster.
God, how mortifying. Thoughts were barely coherent in her mind, knowing that she’d put herself out there for not one, but two guys who just weren’t into her.
Her throat hurt, the tears lodged into it like a square block in a round tube. She reached down and grabbed the phone she’d dropped, her hands still shaking, and placed it on the desk, careful to stay out of arm’s reach of either guy.
“Um, when you’re done. Could you plug that in? I won’t tell Dad you’re using his office to… Just make sure you clean up.” Clean up? Did she really just say that? Oh, good god. She was a complete and total moron. Gavin started to step forward to say something, but she stumbled back again, slipping out of the room before he or Misha stopped her.
Her entire face was flushed, rich with the memory of the two men inside that office kissing each other like nothing else in the world mattered. She didn’t stop when she reached the main bar area. The party was in full swing, and all she could think about was getting out.
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