The Wrong Man - Lane Hayes

This book is about Brandon Good and Jake Westley.  They have a history that goes back to high school when experimenting and being cool was the thing to do.  Now, can you risk that kind of rejection again?  Brandon has a policy against even talking or being friends with his exes.


Then there is the cute dog factor.  Mack is amazing to take care of.  Sweet as ever, and needs both Jake and Bran.  Jake is basically hot and sweet as well.  Bran is having a hard time saying no to him.


Before they know it - they are friends again.  Whatever was in the past can stay there.  Or will it?  Can Brandon get past the pain that still haunts him?  Is there really joy in giving love a second chance?


I found this book to be delightful!  It has excellent character development and moves right along at a good pace.  The honesty and real life experiences make this book a god reference on how to love someone.  Sound advice is always welcome!


Brandon and Jake try to mix lives and love with their careers, friends, and the ever loveable Mack.  Where most books get sappy about second chances, I found this story to be moving and realistic.  I give this a 5/5 Kitty's Paws UP!


***This book is #2 in the Right and Wrong series.  You can read more about it at Goodreads, by clicking here!