Rookie Move (A Brooklyn Bruisers Novel) - Sarina Bowen

This is the first book in the Brooklyn Bruisers series.  This book can be read as a standalone novel.  For reader enjoyment and further understanding, read in companion with The Ivy Years series.


Georgia & Leo have a history.  When he comes to be on her team, with her father suddenly in the picture also, tensions are high.  Is it wrong of her to still want the man?


Leo is not sure how he can stand the thought that Georgia may reject him yet again.  Just getting to know a new team is hard enough.  Now they just need a little heat and a little compromise.


Seriously great start to a new series with beloved characters!  Already enjoying the series with the players seeming to be charming and hot.  What a joy to read!  I cannot wait to see what the author comes up with next.  I give this story a 4/5 Kitty's Paws UP!