This book is #8.5 in the Trident Security series. This book can be read as a standalone novel. This does not mean it should. In my own humble opinion if you miss out on this amazing series, it cheats you of the great characters and deeply fulfilling stories.
Ian feels torn when his parents need him, (and technically the whole team) when his wife is due any time. His father calls and tells him his mother is missing and there is a clock ticking. Can he really have the best of both worlds?
Angie knows she can't hold her husband back on something this serious. She also knew he would get home as soon as he could and she has plenty of help at home. So she sends him to his mom and dad.
Happy to read any mystery that the "Sexy-Six Pack" have to solve. They always solve it while a truly fabulous love story is weaved in, and this one is no different. It is just a shorter, sweeter version that takes us to see what is going on in their lives. I loved it. I really love how I always feel gratified at the compelling books that make up this great series. I give this a 5/5 Kitty's Paws UP!
***This early copy was given in exchange for an honest review only.