This is the 2nd book in The Weaver's Circle series. This book can be read as a standalone novel. To avoid spoilers, and to fully understand this incredible and sexy series, I recommend reading them in order.
Baer is a Weaver. He believes the man he has stumbled upon in the middle of a crisis, is another brother. So he shuts down his feelings that are starting to crop up. He knows how important it is that The Weaver's Circle win this fight.
Wiley is actually an innocent bystander who makes comic novels. He is an incredibly talented artist and is gaining so much from learning from Baer and the others. Real life does not usually have Superheroes saving the world - but in this case he has found some that do this every day.
Wiley is an amazing character all on his own. When I read this story I was pleased and tickled that this terrific series had more than just straight up shapeshifters going on. The writers are giving us a great series. It is building to a crescendo that will hopefully wipe the bad monsters from our earth. I cannot wait for the next installment in this amazing series. I give this a 5/5 Kitty's Paws UP!