This is book 1 in a brand new series, TIN. This story can be read on its own - but I would recommend reading the THIRDS series beforehand. If you haven't then it is not only an excellent reference to these characters, it is the story before the story.
Dexter returns to us in this TIN series opener as AKA "Chaos." Likewise, his hunky husband returns as his partner Sloane AKA "Atlas." Learning to enjoy and hate his job at the same time - he goes on one of the worst missions of his career. Learning to be a spy has been fun and a challenge, but sometimes it is not fun and games.
Sloane knows this latest task is within their wheelhouse to solve. It is going to take more than the normal assignment however, as they are up against a madman who is not afraid to kill to cover up his crimes. While he has faith in their teams abilities to get this done - there are a lot of unknowns that can still go wrong.
I really enjoyed getting back into the Dex & Sloane life. Reading about them and the adventures of their team is always a joy. This new team seems to be coming right along. I could not put this down it was so great! I am already excited about the next story. I give this a 5/5 Kitty's Paws UP!