The Darkest Hour - Maya Banks

I chose this book for my book club to read.  Reading it again was a very moving experience.  I realized the reason I re-read this book every year is that it has such an amazing love story among hot guys who are badass.


Maya Banks is an amazing author and she gives everybody something with this love story. Plus, they find a bad guy before the end of the book as well.


This book starts out the KGI series (stand for Kelly Group International).  Ethan Kelly is the 4th out of 6 children.  All of them former or current military.  All hot.  Ethan begins the book with his complete mourning of the loss of his dear wife, on the anniversary of her death.  Before the day even begins, he receives a package that changes everything.  Rachel Kelly, his wife - may be alive.


I promise the story has a great pace and a secondary story within it where the family gains more members and grows a bit.  Worth reading, like I said, again and again.